first attempt with a rollingshot


New Member
well this was my first attempt with a rollingshot. i have no clue what kind of camera it was (my friends girls camera). They're blurry. so please give me advice on the best way to get a nice shot. thanks guys.



New Member
yea thats my favorite benz

lol jp


07 BMW 328Xi
i read in modified mag that at about 15 mph roll you can cause the illusion of the background to blur out as you focus on the car. and yes use SLR!


Unregistered User
watwah said:
well this was my first attempt with a rollingshot. i have no clue what kind of camera it was (my friends girls camera). They're blurry. so please give me advice on the best way to get a nice shot. thanks guys.
Best advice? Day time.

JDMxDB8 said:
Use an SLR. :thumbs up
Kinda... What his problem is with this picture is there isn't enough light being taken in by the lense. Using a SLR camera will do the same thing as he has now. The picture is blurry because the shutter/exposure speed is open longer than you can hold perfectly still.

The reason you want to use day light is there is more light everywhere. You don't have to deal with setting shutter speed. You might actually be able to speed up the shutter setting to get a crisper, more "stopped" picture.

Car speed is also your friend when it comes to day time rolling shots. With a shorter exposure time it will cause the object to "stop".

In this picture we were going 25 with a normal exposure

In this picture we were going 50 with a normal exposure

In the first picture it looks like the car is stopped almost because nothing is "moving"
In the second, the wheels and the background are "moving" to give it the rolling shot.

Give that a try with some son light and you should get a good one!


Unregistered User
slr is a type of camera. Like film or disposable, or something like that. Cannon makes SLR camera's, but so does like Fugi and stuff.

:thumbs up


New Member
yea im lookin at its official thread on honda-tech. my god the pictures are nicer then what u would see in real life


new driver
Digital SLR is basically one of those bigger cameras with lenses that costs about 1-2 grand for most people, but allows you to take much better pictures with more manual controls than your regular snapshot camera. Pictures can come out amazing after you learn what settings to use.

The same goes for a 200-500$ snapshot, but you gotta find out. Most snapshots will take good macros, daytime pics with lots of ambient light, and also can do decent rolling shots like above...Most won't perform as well in low light / aka night time without flash. Unless you manually set the exposure time and use a tripod etc...

Try setting ISO to about 400 - judge the rolling speed - and take the picture using a tripod / rest the camera on something steady - and keep doing like 10 times with different ISO setting / exposure setting to see what works best. It's a little trial and error but its worth it.


Unregistered User
g3teg97 said:
The first pic is nice. Kuchtaboy, what cam do you have?
ha, nothing special.. some kodak digital. I just play with EVERY setting on it and I take pictures daily. lol
I also just started using my mom's film slr. I'll post some of those pictures tomorrow probably. Just got the roll back and i have some pretty cool ones of my baby. She may not be perfect, but she still loves to stage for a picture every now and again. :) I'll be getting a digital slr this summer when i start making some money tho hopefully.

Going for another photoshoot tomorrow with the EK again and my buddy's gti. I'll have a few good ones from that for ya'll