finished the bike rack


the lone outdoorsman
well the rack isnt gonna be on there all the time, just when i go somewhere with my bike

i just didnt want to put another roof one on like my accord cause that shit came off on the freeway one time.

on my 91 civic the rack fit really good
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The Transporter
sorry but.......... EEEEEWWWWWWWW. yuck, and anything else u can think of. but its not my car.


New Member
hahah why do you need your bike everywhere? you like to pull over and go for a little ride on the bike. that shit must have had been crazy when it came off on the freeway!!! did it hit any cars or anything?lol do you still own you civic & accord?


the lone outdoorsman
I dont need it everywhere but putting it in the car is a real pain in the ass, and a bad idea in the winter because the mud gets all over everything.

No i dont pull over and go on rides, this is a mountain bike, i actively seek out crazy shit like this

Yes it was crazy on the freeway. I was doing about 80 mph on I80 EAST near the town of Dixon, CA and the whole damn thing came off, luckily the rack landed upright, and there was no cars behind me so we got out the car all quick and dragged everything out of the road.

I no longer own the civic or accord, owned the civic from Jan 02 to Jan 04, Accord from Dec 03 to May 05, Ive owned the integra since June.


the lone outdoorsman
also im suprised so many of you guys are hatin on it ... you do realise that the rack is only on the car when im movin my bike ... the whole thing comes off other than the hitch


The Transporter
Melt said:
also im suprised so many of you guys are hatin on it ... you do realise that the rack is only on the car when im movin my bike ... the whole thing comes off other than the hitch
still, during the short time its on. :stick:


the lone outdoorsman
still one of the better ones ive seen compared to other hitch racks out there

my dad and i welded it up ourselves
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New Member
the bike rack on you integra doesnt look that bad....but the one's that were on your accord and civic...those look bad!! this one looks alot better than the one on top of the car...and its probably safer...hopefully it wont fly off!


the lone outdoorsman
the only way the back of car could possibly fly off is if i forget to put in the hitch pin or dont fasten the fork correctly ... way less to worry about than the roof rack


a.k.a. crabs!
theres just something that bugs me about a car having a hitch. hitches are for trucks and SUVs. but biking is your thing so what else are ya gonna do? oh well. as long as its not me putting a rack on my car then i can live with it i guess lol


the lone outdoorsman
its not that big ... and once the car is lowered will be hardly noticeable.


Ominous G2

It dosent look bad. Just make sure you get one of those propellers to stick in the hitch when its not there.