Finally got an RSX!


New Member
So I finally got me an RSX unexpectedly. I had a 4 door JDM front integra and posted a picture of it on Facebook and this guy goes wanna trade it for an RSX, and of course I said yes :)

Traded this:

^not me, buddy driving my car after Import Alliance

for this:


New Member
I like the DB. I woulda kept the DB personally. More pictures of both cars, but the DB first. Green wheels FTW. lol I hope this one is a Type S. K series FTW.

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New Member
Yeah of course it's a type s, wouldn't want it any other way! Lol. I'll get more pics of the RSX tomorrow. For now here's the DB:



New Member
damn man, your db was nice bro. idk if i would trade my db if i had a jdm front. should have went k.but good pick up though


Active Member
Nice trade man! K series is the balls.


New Member
I was gonna get rid of the DB anyway and buy a newer car but this came along so I snagged it up. It's super clean! Inside and out! Can't complain. The DB had no problems either but I was just getting tired of the older cars. The difference in the ride is unbelievable.