Fender Replacement Help


New Member
Hey there,

I have a '92 Integra RS, and a few weeks ago I got dinged in a parking lot. Went to school, came back to my car, and had a huge ass dent in my left front fender. Not impressed. So I've tracked down a couple possible fender replacements, one of them is at a Pick N' Pull where I live.

I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice as far as replacing the fender. I need to pull it off the car at the junk yard (hopefully tomorrow), and then bring it home, take the busted fender of my current car, and put the new one back on.

Looking through my Haynes Manual, it says I need to completely remove the bumper, which is kind of making me nervous as it seems like it could make things more complicated than they need to be.

Thanks a lot guys


1990 DA9 LS
Yeah i've done a fender replacement on my DA, you do need to take off you're bumper and just like bradster said it's really VERY easy, just a couple of bolts. In terms of fitting the new one make sure you take a good look at the way it lines up with the other panels as you fit it, cause with mine at first it didn't line up very well and I had to bend some of the little tabs where it bolts down a bit to make it sit right.


New Member
Well I put it on today. It doesn't quite line up. When the truck and door is closed it looks fine, and the lines are straight and the spacing is good, but for some reason the tip of the fender sticks out over the signal light than it should. I mean, it's not TERRIBLE. I would have tried to adjust it but it was starting to get cold outside and it is now raining :)

I'll try to adjust again when it's nice out.


1990 DA9 LS
Nice work man ;) I'm glad it lined up well :) mine didn't haha i had to do a lot of shuffling it around. lol


New Member
Haha oh there was some shuffling. Well, not so much shuffling as trying to bend clips and pieces of metal that got twisted when my car was hit back into place. It still looks like something happened to it though, which saddens me. :(
