Felony for street racing...


SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Drivers who illegally race on California roads could face jail time and fines under a new law signed Saturday by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Schwarzenegger said reckless drivers endanger the lives of innocent people.

The Department of Motor Vehicles reports that 7,640 drivers were convicted last year for taking part in speed contests.

Under the new law, drivers who illegally race could be charged with a felony, sentenced to up to six months in state prison and a fine up to $1,000.

The governor also signed a law allowing car owners who lose their keys to get replacements from a registered locksmith.

Most drivers can only get keys from auto dealerships.

That law will take effect for 2008 vehicle models.

"Schwarzenegger said reckless drivers endanger the lives of innocent people." wasn't Schwarzenegger the smart guy who rode a motorcycle without a license and hurt himself a while back? lol I'm pretty sure it was him. I'm all for the cause (not putting other people's lives at risk), but a felony, six months in state PRISON, andddd a fine? they sure aren't messing around with this one.


BEIJING (Reuters) - An intoxicated Chinese man who tried to give a panda a hug at Beijing Zoo found himself biting it in self defense after his clumsy attempt at affection was savagely rejected, local media reported Thursday.

Zhang Xinyan, a building worker on holiday from China's central Henan province, climbed into an enclosure that held Gu Gu, a seven-year-old panda, at Beijing Zoo after the man had drunk four pints of beer during lunch at a nearby restaurant, the Yanzhao Metropolis Daily said.

Zhang, who couldn't remember the incident clearly, had wanted to hug the panda and shake its hand after having watched similar scenes on television.

"When I was in there, the panda was eating bamboo. Then, it seemed some people shouted, which startled the panda. He rushed over to bite my leg," Zhang said.

Zhang, who tried in vain to push the panda away, was bitten twice and forced to the ground, the paper said.

"I took the opportunity to bite the panda's back, but its fur was too thick," Zhang said.

Eventually, a zoo worker sprayed water from a hose to rescue Zhang from the panda's clutches, the paper said.

Both were worse for wear after the tussle. Zhang was rushed to hospital and given tetanus and rabies shots, while Gu Gu lost her appetite, Xinhua news agency reported.

"It was scared by the intruder and refused to eat for one and a half days," a zoo spokeswoman, surnamed Ye, told Xinhua.

But Gu Gu had recovered and was back on display Thursday.

Zhang, however, faces at least a half-month convalescence, due to the "deep wounds," Xinhua said, citing Zhang's doctor.

His pride had also been injured, after reading stories of his exploits in newspapers.

"I wouldn't have jumped in if I knew what would happen," Zhang said.

The zoo, which plans to install cameras to monitor the enclosure, would not prosecute, Xinhua said.

But Zhang had already been tried and found guilty by Chinese Internet surfers.

"The man should be fined for the trouble he made," an anonymous commentator said in a posting on 163.com.

"He deserved to be bitten."
^ lol who the fuck does that?? i just found that article funny.


Unregistered User
haha, wtf? the damn panda... probably looked so happy... lol

and the california thing. I know a guy who got a racing ticket for driving 80 on the interstate with some other guy. They said they were street racing because they were going so fast. He happend to be going 82 when he got clocked so the faster one gets the ticket.

What happens if its something like that? I guess i dont know how cali driving is, but still!


New Member
one of my friends said that they just passed a law that if u get caught street racing in ny they take your car 4 ever....gotta see if its true or not


Unregistered User
haha!!! In the "Ads by Yahoo!" section on the bottom of the page the 3 options to click on are...

Polarization... Panda Costume... Panda Belly Ring Panda T-shirt...

How many of you guys are searching this on yahoo? lol


^ only you, kuchta. lol

seriously, though. when you're drinking, at what point do you decide that it's a good idea to hug a bear and try to give it a hand shake? lol i can see moho doing that

hey for some reason, i thought it if you go over 15 mph past the speed limit, you could get arrested. some cop in arizona told us that. maybe he was lying. haha i don't know the rules


The Transporter
hahaha. like the panda one. i bit a polar bear once. long story short. eaten, cloned, and rebirthed :lol:


Man That Is Bullshit But Street Racing Has Gotten Really Bad In Stockton I Mean I Street Race But Only At Nights Sat Fri By Abandone Warhouses Or Comerial Districts That Have Been Abandone After The Work Is Over. I Dont Think This Law Will Stop Street Racing For Good It Might Slow It Down But What These People Have To Realize Is That This Shit Has Been Going On Since My Dads Dad Was Young Fuck And Its Going To Continue. The Main Reason I Dont Street Race Right Now Is One My Teg Is Busted And Two I Just Had A Baby So That My Reasons But I Wont Bitch Down If Some One Calls Me Out But I Wont Race In The Public Street Specially With Other People Driving .


save a whore..buy a porno
out here there is a task force that is " dedicated to stop illegal racing " i find it hilarious because i stopped going to the illegals like like 2 yrs ago maybe more and every time cops showed up we would move to a different spot every time, i wont lie highway racing is by far more dangerous then street racing, i have done both and they do give you your adrenaline rush but in the end is really worth a 500 ticket, posible jail time and your license suspended?


the lone outdoorsman
shawrtzanegger aint playin period

he signed another law over the weekend making it a felony to participate in the sideshow. Come on swinging donuts isnt that serious!!


Robstunner said:
good. street racing needs to go away. tracks are plentiful
i don't think street racing is gonna be going anywhere anytime soon. as long as they make cars, there will always be someone out there with a point to prove. it's just whether you get caught or not.