Feasible Swap?


retro ride is retro
So, I've been planning on doing a rebuild as I fried the internals on my b18a1. I was browsing cragslist today, and I found a dude selling a motor and trans from a 95 LS teg for $600. My DA9 is gonna be a daily driver, and I currently have an auto, but would love a 5 sp. It will be about a month before I have a suitable space to do a rebuild, if I do the swap, I would just have a shop do it. I guess it depends on cost/difficulty of the swap. BTW, the motor and trans are still in the donor car, so I was planning on going to see how the car runs tomorrow before I make any decision. Care to weigh in?


retro ride is retro
One more thing, is $250 a good price for a ys1 cable trans? Assuming it needs a rebuild of course.


retro ride is retro
I'll look that up, thanks.

The motor will drop right in and bolt up. You just need to use your mounts, not the G3 mounts.
How many miles are on the LS motor you're looking at?
$250 is pricey for a YS1 that needs a rebuild. You can come by one in good working order for that price.
Also, there is more than one transmission that carries a YS1 code. One incarnation is a JDM B16 trans and has short gearing, the second is a USDM B17 trans and has the same gearing as the JDM B16, the third is a USDM LS trans with longer gearing.


retro ride is retro
The LS stuff has just over 100k on it. The trans ended up being a ys1 with gsr gearing. I wont check out the LS stuff until this weekend, it's too damn cold. I'm leaning towards buying the LS stuff, makes sense as a DD setup, and the swap sounds easy so far (still looking at info for cable to hydro, mounting issues). I may buy the LS motor/trans and hold off until I can do it myself. Any more input?

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The LS stuff has just over 100k on it. The trans ended up being a ys1 with gsr gearing. I wont check out the LS stuff until this weekend, it's too damn cold. I'm leaning towards buying the LS stuff, makes sense as a DD setup, and the swap sounds easy so far (still looking at info for cable to hydro, mounting issues). I may buy the LS motor/trans and hold off until I can do it myself. Any more input?
If the motor is at 100k, go ahead and do a timing belt and water pump service while you have the motor out.