exedy stage 1 or 2?


New Member
Before i do any new mods to my car i have to replace my clutch cuz I cant even spin my tires anymore :eek:( I am torn between the exedy stage 1 and stage 2. Any suggestions? I am hoping to go boost sometime this year, but those plans might change. Would a stage 1 hold up to turbo or should or go with the stage 2 just in case. Thanks guys.


Super Duper Moderator
Exedy Stage 1 should be able to handle low boost from a B18B, boost levels you could manage on stock internals. And it's really comfortable to use, I have one. So, I guess it depends on how much boost you'll be using if you boost.
A rule of thumb is always to default to the weaker clutch option, so if the power becomes too much for the clutch to handle, the clutch takes the abuse instead of more expensive and/or harder to replace tranny components down the line, or the tranny itself.