Everytime I refresh the Index page, it goes to "edit profile"


Super Moderator
I've noticed a couple bugs floating around here as well. I believe JayJay is upgrading our forum so that kinda stuff sometime happens.


Super Moderator
I wouldn't bother with refreshing the index anyway. Just use the new post button. It will show all of the threads that have new posts that you haven't read. :thumbs up


New Member
i'm getting this problem, its redirects from the main page. it loads for a second then goes to the profile but doesn't find it.

Ominous G2

I had the same issue, if jay jay doesnt take care of it I will call him. Im pretty sure he will fix it soon.


Super Moderator
It doesn't do it to me when I refresh the page..........but it does it when I start my browser or even leave it off CI on another page for awhile and then come back. I don't think it has anything to do with refreshing the index because i can leave it on yahoo page for a while and it will do it when I come back. It does it every single time I fire up internet explorer though. Mine just started doing this last night though.

I never refresh the index though. I just always use the "new post" button so I wouldn't know. But if I leave CI alone for a little while and come back or restart my browser it goes to edit profile


New Member
everytime i even attempt to access the site it takes me straight to the profile section. This just started happening tonight to. I cant open any url to this site with out bein sent straight to the profile section


Raceline USA
I've been having accessing the site too. Takes me like 2-3 times before I can load correctly.


New Member
I haven't had a problem with it yet. Mabye because ive only been on this forum for a couple weeks. hah.