Engine will not sit in mounts

Joshua W.

Ex-Back Road Driver
92 GS

My brother just finished replacing the motor mounts in his teg, but the engine will not go back into the mounts. They've been at this for weeks now and no matter what they try, they can only get one or two mounts seated.

How would you guys go about setting the engine in the mounts? Any speceific order that works best? Right now it has the right side and rear mounts mostly lined up, but it will not twist to fit the front and left sides.

And yes, we've tried kicking it, beating it with a poll, and screaming at it. Although, we have not yet tried bleeding on it. :p

Joshua W.

Ex-Back Road Driver
Yes, they are the correct mounts. Of this they are 100% sure.

Alright. We'll just keep at it. We really should have seen this coming. The engine came out very smoothly. Replacing the clutch and the mounts went very smoothly as well. Everything was going a little too well. Murphy just couldn't stay away.

I knew someone should have bled on the darn thing...


New Member
jack it up all the way, then give the valve a big twist and let it slam into the bay. it will fit.


nothing from nowhere
make shure the mounting bolts are loose when your fitting it in, put the left and right ends in first a large pry bar always helps.
