Engine Swap


91 LS
Ok guys, I am currently looking for a new b18b1 or a1 engine for my 91 LS. So far, the best I can see right now is a b18b1 from a 94 LS. It is only the engine (no intake, exhaust etc). My question to you guys is, will i need to change the wiring at all if i use the b18b1 block and head from the 94 and throw it into my 91 and using my current intake and exhaust manifold and trans. Thanks for the help and sorry if that sounds all jumbled up!

Man A

you will need to convert from OBD2 to OBD0. they sell conversion harnesses on ebay.


New Member
you do not have to go to obd2 to obd1 jumper as long as you take everything from the b18a and swap it over it will be fine..
I done my b20b like that 5 years ago is still runs good.. the only different part was the fan switch.


New Member
94 is obd1. All you need to do is use the wiring harness from your current engine. You will need to use your current intake manifold, fuel rail and injectors, and distributor. That will keep it obd-0. Also on the swap, I believe you will have to swap thermostat housings and the drivers side motor mount bracket behind the timing cover.