Engine problems


Rock out with my DOHC out
I just posting to see if anyone has some good car advice... cause right now im pissed as sh**.

Well, me and my friend were driving to go to dinner, me and his civic. He reved up the engine at a stop sign and sped off doing a burn out. Well we pull up to this red light.. Soon as it hit green i spun mine out, My redline is around 7800 k i was hitting around 5-6 k spinning them. Well i came out of it and stopped at next red light. All of assuden if i went , id say half throttle i would hear this wierd sound... and i would get kinda a lack of torque. It literally sounded like a boat .. blubl blub blub.. but you can hear the engine still kicking. I couldn't figure out the problem. I made sure my sparks were on. Even let it cool off. Still nothing. Then i tried going maybe 1/3 throttle... near redline, fine.. no wierd sounds.

any suggestions?


JDM Bliss
are you feeling a lack of power. is the car having a rough idle like it wants to die. More detail. Milage on motor and how much oil is in your engine. I have an idea but i need to know these things first.