Engine Dying at Speed


New Member
Looking for some suggestions on what else to try in finding what is causing the engine in my 89 RS to die momentarily.

Scenario is this: Usually at cruising speed on the freeway, the engine will die for less than a second then resume running like nothing happened. It may do this for a single instance or for three instances within 5 seconds. I strongly suspect an electrical problem since the tach drops faster that it would if the engine ran out of fuel.

Most of the time the engine runs just fine above 1000 RPM - I have been fighting warm engine idle problems for over a year, though these don't seem to be obviously related since the cutting out just started recently.

In the past year I have replaced the coil, igniter, fuel filter, TW/Coolant sensor, TPS, main relay, fuel pump, plug wires, dist rotor, spark plugs and PCV valve. I have checked the ground wires, battery terminal connections and ignition switch and all are good.

Engine check light illuminates at start-up but has not come on during any of these instances.

I have pulled all the fuses out and re-inserted them. I have wiggled all the wiring connectors while the engine was running and no changes in RPM.

The EACV was replaced a few years back but looks brand new and seems to operate normally.

Other than replacing the MAP Sensor (which is rather pricey) or the ECU I am about out of ideas.

Any other suggestions?


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New Member
I have a few ideas, but lets start with this: Open up your ecu, meaning take the top cover off and see if anything is burnt. Take a picture of it and post it here if you can as well.