Electrical Problem in my 98 Integra...


New Member
Ok, so my 1998 integra is having some weird problems..And before i start let me say that i have replaced every fuse, and still nothing. Even the hazard relay. So to begin, my low beam headlights dont work, my cluster lights dont work, and my climate control lights dont work. But thats just half of the problem...My turn signals keep going haywire and clicking and clicking, even when im not making a turn. When i make a turn they go back to slow normal clicking, then when i have completed the turn, right back to crazy clicking...Do you guys have any idea what this is??


luxury integra driver
there are service manuals that u can download for free on the internet that will help yo greatly.
if it started happening after you installed the alarmthen yes its the problem.
in that case take it to the shop that installed it and have it check the install.
if not then seems like your wiring might be grounding out somwhere. sometimes it happends when the frame cuts thru the insulation and touches the ground.
2 rats/hamsters can eat thru the wiring that will cause it to ground/short/overhear or make circuits unstable.
3your alarm is not installed properly and moving aroudn under your dash making

take the underdash cover off and check.
look over the wiring
start the car turn the signals on and move the wiring around and try to duplicate the problem

since the turn signals go back to normal when you turn that means when your car frame flexes it moves the wire and it starts working

pretty much run along the wires make sure they re not squished anywhere, no screws going thru wiring harness anywhere....