Electric Problem ??


i jus got a new tranny and now that i did this shit is still goin on my rpm's jump like crazy from like 3 to 7 or 8 or 9 at times ... and it will stall here and there and i have to take the key out and put it back in for it to start up again ... HAS ANYONE HAD THIS PROBLEM ... ??? please help i was told its electric ... and i dont have much money to fix this and i need to smog my car :( and register it ... :( this is soo sad


New Member
just a guess from former experiences with a friends car. Check your cap on your distributor for loose connections or moisture in the distributor...sounds stupid but in my friend's 93 ls the tach would bounce all over the place and he had some loose wires and moisture due to a crack in the cap. He fixed it and now the car runs good as new.


The Transporter
i agree. your problem is in the cap. but it might be more than moisture. it might be to worn and needs replacing.


Retired VeeDubber
Yea ur trans has nothing to do with it stallin out..most likely ur dizzy..cuz mine had a little moisture in it and it was f'*ckin me up..
