Downpipe Decision


Resident Asshole
So I am about to order my downpipe in the next week or so along with my turbo manifold. I am now torn as to how I want to run my downpipe. I am going to run open downpipe, with that said I don't know if I want to run it out the front bumper (on passenger side) or if I want to run it up and out of the hood lol.

Heres pics of ones coming out of the hood:

On the bumper exit, just imagine a downpipe sitting out the side of the bumper.


I <3 Boost
i actually have a friend doing a boosted k-swap in his civic and he's going to be running his downpipe out the hood, i think it looks sick.


The DP won't cause any heat/melting issues with the bumper would it?


Registered Abuser
I think running it through the side of the front bumper looks much cleaner:

i know very little about turbos, but would rain cause a problem with it coming through the hood?


New Member
Yes, water can get in it and that wouldn't be a good thing. Maybe he'll have a cap for it and run another downpipe, regularly for DD. If not, maybe it'll just be his track car. lol


Registered Abuser
Yes, water can get in it and that wouldn't be a good thing. Maybe he'll have a cap for it and run another downpipe, regularly for DD. If not, maybe it'll just be his track car. lol
or he could put a lid with a hinge on it, think stacks on a big rig, bahaha.


Well-Known Member
I prefer the bumper exit, but if it means less piping and thus less weight (although you may want more weight over the front tires in a drag situation) I would do the hood exit.


Resident Asshole
I don't daily the car, hell it rarely gets driven lol. The new setup has less then 900 miles of drivetime on it. goofygamer, was your car in honda-tuning? I like it coming out the bumper, but I want it out the passenger side if I decide to run it that way. Its an exhaust, does water get sucked up your tailpipe lol. I think the fact of shooting flames up out of the hood would be badass especially at track nights. Hmm...decisions decisions


New Member
I don't daily the car, hell it rarely gets driven lol. The new setup has less then 900 miles of drivetime on it. goofygamer, was your car in honda-tuning? I like it coming out the bumper, but I want it out the passenger side if I decide to run it that way. Its an exhaust, does water get sucked up your tailpipe lol. I think the fact of shooting flames up out of the hood would be badass especially at track nights. Hmm...decisions decisions
Well, I would still prefer bumper. Only because of it's subtle nature. haha but then again, you didn't build the car to be subtle, so go hood!

The picture of the car I showed you is a guy that lives around my town. Yea, he was featured on Honda-Tuning.


Resident Asshole
Ah ok, I was gonna say I have the issue with that car in it lol. I have always liked the bumper dumper, just recently I started liking the hood exit, but you are right, it is quickly becoming a new fad and I really hate trends