If i understand correctly, you are asking why you put it in neutral to rev then downshift right? (double clutching) I've heard many things refered to as double clutching but from research i've concluded that it is when you press in clutch, then put in neutral, release clutch, press clutch again and THEN go into gear... My dad explained to me why people used to do this, and why you don't need to do it anymore. (i don't remember though, so i'll half-ass. It has something to do with timing... cars back in the day needed to be double clutched but its not necessary anymore. It's 2:00 am and im tired, so if i misunderstood and am just babbling, please IGNORE. OH, and when i downshift for a corner, i usually just press in clutch change to desired gear, rev then release clutch so i don't lose speed (reving in desired gear with cluth pressed). I do this to AVOID engine breaking. This i why i can't drive an automatic... how could i ever have so much fun in little curvy roads if i can't downshift and hit the curves at those speeds? and with the teg's handling, its just too sexy too miss out with an automatic trans.