do I need a new header gasket?


I ordered my headers a few nites ago and i was wondering if i new a new gasket or something .. or can i untilize the stock one? Do i have to buy anything to put on the headers? or exhaust?


Super Duper Moderator
When I got my JDM ITR header, I bought a new gasket for it, cuz the origional one was the one still on there and it was 8 years old so I ditched it, plus I'm just anal and wanted to be thorough. But when I unloaded that and got my Hytech header, I didn't bother replacing the gasket.


new header gasket is always good. get some never-seeze, and thats about all i can think off. you can probably use some emry cloth as well to smooth out the block a little if there is anything there


ONLY couches pull out!!!!
wait, you said you got headers?? so you got more than one? im jk . the way i see it you should never reuse a gasket unless the gasket is made to be reused.


yea thankx guys.. i got the gasket and header installed yesterday.. sickk! waiting on exhaust backorder it sux.. :<