Distributor Cap and Rotor Install Question


New Member
Hey guys,

Was just wondering if someone can help me out.

I am replacing my spark plugs, plug wires, distributor cap, and rotor.

The wires are off and so is the distributor cap. I am having a hard time trying to get the rotor out. I am trying not to strip the screw that is way in there.

Any ideas?

Also, where can I get a replacement screw just in case?

And with the spark plugs, how tight do I tighten it?

And with the rubber gasket, I did not know that it does not come with the cap, is it possible for me to use the old one for now until I order a new one?



New Member
u take out all da sprak plugs and cablle, take out da distributor cap and u see da rotor, 4m there. there shud b a screw u can't reach behind da rotor. then wit ur car u dry start and dat rotor shud turn ltio by lito till u can see da screw and 4m there u shud noe wat to do.


New Member
Thanks I got it out already tho. I just dry started the car a bit to get it perfectly alligned. Then unscrewed it, switched out the parts and the screw. Car drives great now.

Oil change is coming up. Then Timing Belt.


Super Moderator
LiEkjAi said:
u take out all da sprak plugs and cablle, take out da distributor cap and u see da rotor, 4m there. there shud b a screw u can't reach behind da rotor. then wit ur car u dry start and dat rotor shud turn ltio by lito till u can see da screw and 4m there u shud noe wat to do.
Can you please talk normally, I have no idea what you said.
