Detailed The GSR !


I ♥ My Integra
So after busting my ass all weekend long on my tranny and dirtying up the teg i decided to pamper it. Wash+wax = clean teg :D Nothing Special i mean not like R1DC2's :lol:

reflection from the hood.


Shiny ! you can see the building lights reflect on my hood !



I ♥ My Integra
More :p
The best DIY you can do. Amber climate control, clock, cruise button and cluster.



I ♥ My Integra
some diy i saw over on TI. i bought the translucent film at michaels for 59cents a sheet.


car looks hot bro.. almost just like mine.
are those 8k h.i.d.'s tooo!!?? i got em PROMAX ftw!

but hey man that gauge cluster looks 10 types of sexy, you say just go to michaels and buy a colored film to stick over it?


damn, thats clean. I wish ny had the good weather for me to start detailing



I ♥ My Integra
Jmoney187 said:
car looks hot bro.. almost just like mine.
are those 8k h.i.d.'s tooo!!?? i got em PROMAX ftw!

but hey man that gauge cluster looks 10 types of sexy, you say just go to michaels and buy a colored film to stick over it?
i used to have some cheap HIDS from Xenon Zone but i sold them and got some McCulloch HID's 6000k.

And for the questions on all the amber stuff i did, here is where i learned how to do it. Its a pretty easy DIY it just takes time and patience especially on the climate control. Took me a whole day to get everything done but it was well worth it. here is the link to the place that shows the DIY.