desperado! 91 integra


New Member
ok well i need some help guys please im almost 100% sure that my ecu its not working well this is what happens some one was gona jumpstart the car but cros the jumper cables and after that the car wont start any more i change the ignition coil cuz it was burn then the igniter so i the car still dont start i check and i dong got any spark or fuel and the red light in the ecu dont lightup only if i unplog the ecu with the key on and plug it again thats when that little light came on then i try to start the car and the light turn on and never come back on can any one help please this is the time when i mist my mini truck but i like integras more than that :suprise:


New Member
it looks like all the fuses are good oh well i just buy a ecu at ebay so i will c if thats the problem i hope man it suks to wake up my wife every day and drive me to work and plus i cant do anithing to my integra thats the worst part