Dead Island


So who has it?

My friends both bought it and insisted I get it. It's a $60 game, and I'm really not much of a gamer. I didn't really want to, but I figured I would since it would give us something to do over the weekend. So I bought it Friday night, we played it and went to bed. Woke up the next morning and beat the game.

Is it just me or are videogames way to easy these days? I remember playing NES and such when I was younger, and I never recall actually beating any of my games lol.

I just figured I would post about it because i've seen some random people talking about it.

13 hours @ level 31 to complete the game. I'm a little disappointed how easily it can be beaten though. It offers no "challenge." There are no puzzles to solve, there are no significant "boss battles" to win. Worst of all? There are no consequences for death. If you wanted to you could run through the whole game and die 500,000 times. There are only a handful of times which you must kill everything to continue..

The last "boss" took maybe 30 seconds to kill. The first 15 seconds of which was "oh shit, this guy is fucking fast." the last 30 seconds was "Well, he's stunned and electrocuted, just keep shooting him.."

The game pretty much consists of "Find this person.", "Bring me this item.", "Go to this area." or "Escort so and so to this area." Every mission in the game fits those guidelines- and like I said, if you die, there are no consequences.. you don't have to start five minutes back, you start almost immediately where you died at, and lose a little cash. (Which I may add is very easy to get- every enemy drops it, which makes no sense to me at all.)

I don't know, it just feels like they took the BorderLands game engine, through a zombie twist to it.. and marketed it as a new game. FYI there is a "Zombie Island" kind of downloadable content for Borderlands, you would be better off getting that.

Eh, maybe i'm just getting too old and grumpy to appreciate video games lol.
At least I can enjoy Forza right?


On the list of things that the game consists of, I think i should add "CONSISTENTLY REPAIRING WEAPONS."