DB7 mud flap harware question

dylan si

Hey guys/gals! I just got a full front and rear set of mud flaps for my DB last night.:headbang: They didnt come with the hardware for me to install them and I tried to use the stock front screws and they werent long enough.

Does anyone know which size screws and bolts to use for them? I can probably take off one of the front screws and go to Home Depot and get a longer one but the back I am clueless with.

Any help will be great...thanks


Unregistered User
man.... I have sooo many of those screws for that. lol

it doesn't really matter on what you want to use for the screws, just make sure they fit in the holes.


Second Glance

dont forget a washer of somesort, I lost one on the freeway and had to order new ones

dylan si

ok fellas ill just make a trip to home depot or search through my screw can and see what i can find...i didnt know if anyone knew the exact size of them screws for the front and the bolts for the rear