damn...my new car got stolen !! I have the worst luck


New Member
well as u guys heard i got my gsr stolen a couple weeks back.well i got my insurance money and i bought a 93 civic hatch back with a fully built gsr(daily driven),and i went to the mall with my gf and we were at the movies n my pager alarm started ringing,so i ran outside...and it was gone..i had only had it 6 days and again i got my car stolen.the only thing dats worse than the last time i got my car stolen is dat i hadnt put the car under the insuramce.so im pretty much screwed...now i have no car and im broke...i just have some bad luck....ill post sum pics of my hatch later.....im jus sad rite now


Official CI Thread Jacker
wat the fukkkk u better find out whos pulling this shit and murder them...i dont mean beat up ...i mean killl those fukin dirtbags....enough is enough man


BBS wanted
Sound like you need to move, cuz they know who you are, sorry aboud that man


New Member
what security things did u have? did u have an auto lock?? ( im jus wondering cuz thats all i have and if they can take urs with the auto lock on im screwed)


damn bro sorry to hear about your tragic constant string of bad luck man...people are just fucked up in today's society that no one can have anything nice anymore b/c of fuckin fuck nuts like these iditos go and take shit from honest hard working people...hopefully things get better for you...


New Member
Sorry to hear. It does sound like someone is watching what you do though. Get a POS for now.


dam that sucks .... thehy got you ride and you had da pager alarm .. on the next car please throw in some kill switches ...its slows the stealing process down ...... hmm i bet they knew the car had that gsr engine in it .... hopefully you will recover your car ....


this is bullshit man..wtf...why did they have to do it..TWO TIMES you got your car stolen? thats just wrong...damn parking at a mall with any kind of import cars are just bound to get stolen WTF is up man!! when will these fuckin theives just get a fucking life and stop stealing cars..get there own cars..so any plans what your gonna do?

maybe an Rsx? when you have enough money.. cuz they got that immobilizer thing which makes it harder to steal..and i hardly hear any rsx getting stolen...so maybe your next car can be an RSX-S