Iran is sitting on top of a veritable sea of oil, more oil than they could use on just themselves in like 500 years, but they say the need nuclear powerplants to make electricity. It's a bunch of bull, they're full of shit.
Gas is mainly going up lately because the summer driving season is coming up, and also there was a report recently that the latest tally of the amount of oil we have in our strategic oil reserve was lower than expected.
Gas prices mainly move up and down based on speculation of a few different things, things that may or may not happen that would/could disrupt supply or refining ability. Prices move on the fear of what may or may not ever even happen, not necessariy on what actually does or doesn't happen. Supplies and refining ability are so limited and stretched to the maximum production capabilities all over the world right now, the smallest little disruption, or fear of a disruption, at any point in the chain, causes a price spike.
We haven't built a new refinery in the United States since the 70's because environmental special interest groups won't allow it. They have made it so prohibitive and non-profitable to build one, they don't get built. They also keep it nearly impossible to allow anyone to drill for oil in Alaska, there's so much crude up there it crazy! Laws need to be changed.