New Member
I took my car to get an alarm installed. I paid for a cheap one... about $79 bucks. Just wanted it to have keyless power locks but was mislead. It will on set the alarm on because I don't have power locks. I was pretty piss off. I drove off and made a right turn. I signal my blinker right light.... no clicking noise and no flash noise. I tried the other left signal. It does not signal and side at all. The funny thing is that my Hazard lights work and driving lights work fine but my signal lights are not working. I think the technician who installed this alarm fu*k up my car. I need some help from you guys though. I checked all the fuses and it seems to be ok. The damn technician claims he only tapped it off the ignition. Some help from you guys would really help. They refuse to refund my money and offered to diagnose the problem. They also offer me that they'll install a power lock mechanism for my driver door at no cost. Still have till this monday to get some heat off...:twisted: If you guys know anything about this, let me know. Any help will help out a lot. Thanks
NOTE: I have a DA9
NOTE: I have a DA9