DA with STUCK & HIGH (3500 rpm) idle


New Member
I have a 1991 Integra that I bought off a buddy with a 'crank no start' issue

He was driving the car daily, until about a week ago when the car died on him while driving.
He has no money for parts, or skills to diagnose the issue.

I bought the car from him.

Ecu was throwing code 13: Barometric sensor.

So I replaced the ecu with a known working pr4.
I also replaced the distributor and the car started right up.

When the car started, the idle shot to 4,000 rpm and lagged when I would gas it.

Thinking it was an intake manifold gasket causing a vacuum leak, I replaced it.

Throttle cable is not over tightened.
I have tried 2 IACV's and it didn't help the problem.
Tried an IACV block off, that didn't help anything.
Idle screw does not change anything.
FITV was removed, cleaned and replaced and still didn't help, so I replaced it with another FITV... still no luck.
New throttle body gasket, still no change it idle.
With the intake removed, I can cover the bottom port on my throttle body, and that effects the idle the most.
Tried testing for vacuum leak with brake clean/MAF cleaner at my shop, and could not find any cracked hoses, misrouted vacuum lines, or leaks on the system.

I start the car.
Car revs itself to 3500-4000rpm and will not go any lower.
I have tried almost everything I can think of, and I'm not goin to throw parts and money at it to try and fix this idle issue.

I cannot find anyone with this similar problem. I have been researching for days.
Any input/help is much appreciated.
I'm baffled.

Merlins Beard

*Beard not included
It sounds most like a stuck throttle. What's the angle of the butterfly valve at idle?
Doesn't sound like a vacuum leak since they have a lot of idle fluctuation usually between normal and 2500-3000 rpm
Does it smell like the car is running way rich or anything?


New Member
It is running rich. Exhaust smells like plenty of raw fuel.
Throttle doesn't stick.
Butterfly opens and closes like normal:x


Looking for my next Teg..
when you installed the new ECU did you jumper the service port and reset timing manually?


New Member
Service port? The CEL jumper on the passenger side?

OBD0 pr4 has the led inside the ecu to read codes.

I plugged in the new ecu, and reset it before trying to crank.

The stock ecu from the car (throwing the Barometric sensor code) still allows the car to start. But gives me the same idle issue.


New Member
i have that same problem but mine isnt running rich it idles at 3 gran and my shop put tape on it to close the ports in the iacv and it still does it ive taken it off and cleaned it and even tried lossening the bolts on it still no diff. now ive done this and it changed for a lil while. theres a fast idle valve on the under side of the intake lossen on side of the bolt and take the other completely out. spin the metal tab around and tighten the plastic screw (its a disk with a ball in the middle you have to push the ball down as you tighten) completely till it wont go no more and then put it back together and try that it might take a few starts for the diff to show had to start mine three times before it idles a lil lower only droped to 1800 up to 2400 but then a after driving a lil bit it went back to the same thing. 3400 3600 idle.

Merlins Beard

*Beard not included
Did you check the tps sensor? That's where I would have started if you know the ECU is good.
TPS didn't even occur to me. I'm almost positive that's the issue.
Mine came unplugged a while back while driving and my idle went up to about 2000-2500 rpm. The throttle response went way down and it would bog down when I would give it gas. Took me forever to figure out what the problem was, I had already taken a bunch of stuff off and happened to see it unplugged.