DA Stolen in OC!


New Member
So last Thursday my 92 DA was stolen from my apartment. It was 3 in the afternoon and no one saw a thing, I filed a police report as soon as it was taken. I haven't gotten any news from them so I'm turning to fellow honda enthusiast for help. If you live in the area or surrounding areas please keep an eye out for it. It has a large dent over the driver side rear fender and the front bumper is pushed in on the driver side. Text me and inform the local authorities if you see it.

714-724-4447 kevin



New Member
Got a call last night that they found the car in buena park. I picked it up today it's in one piece missing a few things from inside and it was nasty from whom ever was driving it so I got it washed.


New Member
good to hear that they found it in one piece! you are one lucky duck! fuck thieves! so cal tegs are always on high risk =/


Keep It Clean
wow this hits close to home. glad you got it back man, please..protect the teg


New Member
I know I 'm installing a few anti-theft items to prevent or at least slow them down next time. Any suggestions? And no love stains thank goodness! When the police told me they are found within a week I was skeptical but exactly a week later it was found. Kind of creepy.


(╯°□°)╯ ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)
Did you read the thread or look at the timestamps?

Then again, you're a new user, so welcome, I think.