

so it turns out lowered DA + high curb = totalled. i was driving last night and i dont fknig know what i was thinking, but i pulled out of this driveway type of thing and went like directly into the median on accident. it still starts, but its stuck in 1st and the up right wheel doesnt roll. im taking it to the shop tomorrow to see if its totalled or if the frame is straight still which i dont think it is. nobody got hurt except my baby :*( i jsut put DC 4-2-1 ceramic headers in it 2 days before this and got it running perfectly how i wanted it. i actually cried *no homo* after this happened.


My name is Ben
WOAH! IM SORRY!!! i know the feeling but it was a rock wall with a jeep turns out jeeps can roll for quite sometime! i cried to!


WOAH! IM SORRY!!! i know the feeling but it was a rock wall with a jeep turns out jeeps can roll for quite sometime! i cried to!
im so depressed right now. i cant believe i did this man. i hella wish i didnt even go out yesterday.


Ughhh that sucks man good luck with everything. What happened you pulled out trying to cross the road and didn't see the median? You must have been going a good speed to do THAT much damage, I hope you weren't drunk..


Ughhh that sucks man good luck with everything. What happened you pulled out trying to cross the road and didn't see the median? You must have been going a good speed to do THAT much damage, I hope you weren't drunk..
naw man, completely sober. it was raining hella hard and it was dark and i did a lil burn out and hydroplaned across into the median.


Oooh that blows, well thats why they call them accidents and not on-purposes. Well good luck with everything. You got full coverage?


My name is Ben
damn! im sorry!! well i hope its not salvage! i believe in you! haha you need to get it fixed! unlike my jeep! ill try and find pictures it will make you feel better.. i rolled 7 times and parts of the engine flew out and my hood was gone 2 flat tires and shattered glass ya you'll feel better! let me know if you need a part or too i found a teg with some extra parts at a junk yard i might be able to hook you up


^wow, yeah well if it does make you feel better, when I wrecked my LS(not my fault, long story) all four wheels straight SHATTERED.


i'll throw some pictures up tomorrow of the damages. everytime i see it i get hella sad though lol


:( that sucks man, but none the less doesnt make me feel better lol. my car was sorta my life, i spent all day cleaning, adjusting, detailing it =/


My name is Ben
Ya i know how that is! well you should get it fixed! :D i know you can it may take a while but you can do it!


New Member
:( that sucks man, but none the less doesnt make me feel better lol. my car was sorta my life, i spent all day cleaning, adjusting, detailing it =/
AInt that the truth. my teg is my life and unfortunitly i have driven her in 2 weeks and it feels like a chunk of ur soul is missing when you dont have your car no more. I know how u feel dude

Hopefully your insurance compnay will help you out so ull get another teg soon. ill say a prayer for ya -> hopefully itll help .


New Member
boo!! i did a similar thing, i was cruising down the street at 40 mph and didn't see a speedbump. lowered cars and speedbumps do not mix!!