Couple questions for you smart guys.


Senior Member
I have a few questions.

1st How do you adjust the headlights on a G2 so the are level and not one pointing up one pointing down?

2nd do any of these hoses carry liquids. I wanna replace them with red silicone hosing but the package said not to use on hoses that carry liquids. So do any of these carry liquid? I made this nice and easy lol just post the numbers of the ones that do an the numbers of the ones that dont carry liquids please.



Man A

you should be able to pull them out and see if they do lol. but i wanna say those are all vacuum hoses. i recently pulled my engine and dont remember these having liquid.


Man A

either way just pull it off. its not like youll be at risk of anything. lol. boooooooooooom


New Member
headlight aiming screws as pictured above and no...none of them carry liquid...they are all vacuum hoses...i agree why red tho?