Couple of n0ob questions


New Member
Looking at an 02 rsx type s (135k) that need some work and I need some feedback. When I drove it yesterday 2nd gear was trashed...sounds like a trash can full of rocks so that tranny needs to be replaced. 2 other things I noticed

When in lower rpms the car stutters but then the revs start to climb. Owner says new plugs were put in 35k ago but not wires. Sounds like a tune up, right?

Lastly, when the car hits vtec you hear a whistle/howling noise. The car has a greedy exhaust so i thought it might be an exhaust leak but I'm new to vtec and am unsure.

I know it's kind of vague but I am looking for any educated guesses into the 2 issues. Any help is greatly appreciated!


Active Member
Sounds like a shitty car man. I would not recommend buying a car that has problems unless it's a project car or you're getting it dirt cheap. As for the issues, go get an inspection done by a mechanic and they will be able to give you a better idea. Always spend the few bucks having a mechanic look at it for all used cars.


type-s and the RS
The first issues could be so many things. vak leak, tps sensor, to a fuel presser problem just a couple guess the second is easy to find out lay under the car with alittle sea form in motor and look for smoke.Be careful with that purchases.


New Member
Yeah, I'd be getting it for cheap as a project. It has no front bumper, aftermarket side skirts are cracked, as is the rear bumper. I think I'll keep looking. Lol


New Member
Yea, unless you plan on parking it and doing a complete overhaul project car and you get it cheap then walk away.

Or run away

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