cooling system problems


New Member
alright, so today i replaced my thermostat (sp) to try and help with my overheating problems.

the car seemed to cool better i drove for about thirty minutes and it didnt start to over heat till i was right outside my house.

anyway my problem is that my upper radiator hose was burning hot when i got out and felt it, but my lower radiator hose was not hot at all. and also my radiato fan never seems to want to turn on.

any help wiould be great.


Unregistered User
did you put the t-stat in right?

how's your coolant temp sensor reading?
have you ever put any "stop leak" crap in your radiator?

Man A

are you getting any leaks? how olds the water pump? did you make sure to bleed the system?


New Member
if your fan isnt coming on then thats your problem.It will run fine till you get down around 25-35 mph then it will get hot.Your fan is a major component of your cooling system.without it your engine is doomed
