Color for my car SUGGESTIONS?!


New Member
Im repainting my car ina few days and pulling out all the dents and taking out the rust. All i need is a new color to go by! Suggestions?! im thinking maybe a white or a dark midnight blue but im iffy on the midnight lbue it might not loook so good on a DA. Suggestions please!


Jointhe Wingless Movement
What color is the car now? and are you doing a complete repaint or what? Also what color is the interior of the car?


nothing from nowhere
i think both colors would look good on a DA. its whatever u like though.


New Member
its gray right now interior is basically black greyish. complete repaint


New Member
When you say complete repaint they mean the door jams and engine bay.

Paint it the original color so you dont have to paint the engine bay.


i like white and i hear its the most forgiving color to paint a car meaning mistakes don't show up as much.


New Member
I'd say silver, black, or some for of a neutral color. I don't know about white though. It depends on location and how much you want to clean your car.


New Member
Idea. Go to There's an applet there called "See Wheels On Your Car". It's meant to show how different wheels look on your car but you can pick from several different paint colors for your car. Me, I'm jonesin' for the green for my 92 LS with 16" Rage Raven wheels...