CI's littlest member


Automatic Lover
I'm proud to announce the birth of my son Kai Cristos Crue Braun yesterday at 4:20pm. 9lbs 1 ounce (wifey wasn't too happy bout that) and 22 1/2"long. Latest mods to my teg include a carseat, bottle warmer, new window tint, and a barrage of stuffed animals. Now all I need is a Club Integra 1sy.



Haha...that's a big baby! :D Congratulations to you and your wife!

Enjoy the poopy diapers.

Your son and Aussie's daughter can be CI friends. lol

Backwoodz Tuner

New Member
Congrats on your new edition. Time for some long nights . Lol . Got one comin in january. But anyways I don't know if you got any other lil ones but now you got yourself the most hardest yet greatest job a man can have. Good luck .


Automatic Lover
I've got a 12 year old step daughter (going on 18) helping out lol. She won't change a diaper though.