CI Calender


Don't know if this has been brought up but what about a CI calender. We take the ROTM for each month and have it made into a calender. I think it would be pretty cool, don't know how we could go about getting them produced but if enough people were intrested I could look into it.

Jay Jay

Staff member
Do you mean a calendar of all the years winners? That could work.

To make it easier and cheaper I could make a desktop wallpaper calendar for the following month?


No I meant take the winners of each month from 2007 and have their cars be on a 2008 calender for the months they one. Also the ride of the year from 2007 could maybe be the cover. I think the guys over at clubcivic might go for something like that also. Having one for the computer first might be a good way to try it out, if that's what you meant JayJay.


Unregistered User
I'd buy one if they were a good price. that's a good idea!

you could do both if you wanted... I wouldn't mind a desktop calender showing off some hawt honda's.

K. Legaspi

You Buggin' Out
Wouldn't it be CalendAr? hehe jk

I'd definitley buy one. That'd be sweet if I had my car win and have it on the calendar. =(