Car Won't Start :[ Help

Nightmare E.k.

New Member
A couple of days ago i took my old battery to autozone to charge it, and they told me It was bad. So I bought a new one, and put everything correctly. My Car won't start at all, no lights or anything. I haven't replaced anything but how can i get a good idea of whats really wrong with it, or just start replacing things and hope i get lucky?


Super Moderator
Yeah, the alternator can beat the battery dead. But a brand new battery should still start the car, check your fuses and connections to the battery

Nightmare E.k.

New Member
Yea Everything was working. We were working on the car And I just wanted to know if the battery was good cuz the lil light was on for it. So i disconected it and took it to charge. And it was all fucked up.


hmm ..if everything was working prior and you installed the battery correctly, could it ba a faulty new battery? try another known good battery or jump start it with another car / battery with jumper cables and see what you get.

still nothing crank, interior or exterior lights check for a blown fuse in main fuse/relay box located in the engine compartment near left shock tower area. open the lid and check to see if #30 , 70 or 80 amp fuse block is blown. its the first large fuse block to the left
