Car Was Recovered


So My Car Was Recovered Today I Found It Myself Driving It Was In A Dirt Road Inside Some Brush So The Dmg Done To It Is

Good Was Taken Front Bumper Was Broken From Hitting Shit Cracked All Over They Took My Se Wheels And Put On Blackies And 2 Spares Toook Everything Inside My Car Only Thing Left Insdie Was My Auto Shifter And Steering Wheel Cluster Up To My Glove

Now I Have To Decide To Either Part It Or Restore And Take Bout 5 Months Or So To Do It


y5 =( for now=b
glad you found your car! they probably won't take prints tho, i know i had pollen all over my car and prints clear as day. their excuse was that they didn't have the "manpower" but maybe in ca it'll be different. but i honestly doubt it.


yeah she couldnt get anything my car was full of dirt and stuff i know what kinda car they drive and bout where they live all i kow is tehre gonna catch one when i see them around and what sucks more is that im compleley broke and have no money for interior parts or other things


after puttinsoo much money in my teg i wanan keep it and replace the stuff parting it is too much of a hassle