car not starting


i was leaving my girls house at one in the morning last night and i hop in the car try to start it and all i heard was tick tick tick tick really fast then i had my girl do it while i listened to it and it sounds like its coming from the cap on the ignition so i was thinkin its the rotor maybe.....what do you guys think.


Type R
that happened to me at the track once ended up being the distributor and i replaced the alternator anyways


New Member
something similar happened to my gen3, it clicked hella fast. turned out to be a low voltage on my battery, and it wasnt sparking properly. after it got jumped it worked. maybe replace the battery after you check it with a voltmeter, i think it needs at least 11 volts to crank? I took it to my buddy's uncle and he checked it at like 9.5 volts. or the alternator not charging it properly is possible, which happened to my 2nd gen, lol. something bout a lose bolt, the guy at bestbuy hooked me up


it could be the battery because the other day it wouldnt even try to crank, nothing at all, and i put the battery charger on it and it fired right up so im thinkin the alternator is going bad too because it seems like the battery is not workin properly andymore. thanks guys.


New Member
It sounds like either the altinator or car was doing to same thing..or could be the battery...It got to be one of those reason....