My Teg didn't come with a factory radio, so I can't tell you specifically how
it comes out. But to get everything else out of the way to get to the radio:
-Remove the back section of the center console. 2 screws, 1 on each side (the rear screws, the ones near the middle don't need to come out). Remove the 2 screws under the plastic cover piece under the e brake handle. Then
lift up and
pull back on the
front of that center console section
first, then you can lift the whole thing out of the way.
-Remove the front section of the CC. 4 screws, 2 on each side. Then take out the ashtray. You'll see 3 screws in the ashtray hole, take out the outside 2. There are 2 metal clips that hold in the top of the upper CC section, just give the CC a good tug straight back and they'll let go.
From there, the radio can come out. But like I said, can't help you there, my Teg came with an Alpine already in it.