Can Ikea mattress fit 3 dr integra?


New Member

Did anyone here try to fit a queen ikea mattress (rolled-up packing) into a 3dr 90 integra?
I am thinking of buying the mattress from ikea but I don't know if it fit into my car.

Ominous G2

Youd be surprised how much these cars can hold. How far back is your seat?

Spring or foam?


teg driver
i still dont think ur gonna fit it in the car... tie it to the roof or borrow a truck or bigger vehicle.


New Member
Youd be surprised how much these cars can hold. How far back is your seat?

Spring or foam?
Should be getting a foam mattress. From ikea website, the mattress is rolled-packed and it is about 60" x 16" x 16". Just not sure if it will fit with the rear seat down ....


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
just find a friend with a truck, pay for lunch and gas. dont make it a hassle and possibly damaging the teg