Can I re-use this chip?


New Member
Thanks for all the help thusfar...Things just changed a little for me. Before I never had a OBD-1 ECU so I wanted to use my OBD-0 chip and dizzy. But now I pretty much have one included with my engine buy.

I am wondering IF I use the ECU for the b18b can I re-use the chip from my OBD-0 ECU?




I would assume so, all that chip should do is adjust a/f and raise the rev limit. If there is a slot for it see if it works.


Zoom-Zoom will be alright, for awhile ;)


New Member
High revving retard...

Its funny guys keep mentioning that but NO..i do not rev my car that high. Why? Because I am not an idiot :) It wasnt until aussi asked me to take a pic of that thing 2 weeks ago that I even knew that was written on there.

Regardless of what the sticker or the tack said..When the car screams and stops producing power its time to shift.

Appreciate the heads up none the less tho.


New Member

Ok so..I got to buy my engine and apparently the guy didnt know what an ECU was cuz it didnt have one.

So, can anyone please tell me...Is converting an OBD2 96 GS engine the same as conveting an OBD1?

I can just change the fuel rail and O2 sensor and dizzy and convert this motor to OBD 0?

Again i have an OBD 0 ECU from a 90 RS and Im trying to swap in a 96 GS OBD 2 motor.

Im checking forums but I cant find much on going from OBD 2 - 0. Lots on going from OBD 2 - 1



New Member
It's not uncommon to convert back to obd1 because the ability to change fuel maps, timming maps, ect..tunning


New Member
Like an expectant father...

Alright thanks for the answers guys. My baby is sitting at the shop right now with her guts out...Have the new engine in the van outside. Dropping her off in the morning.

I really appreciate all the help so far. Couldn't have done it without it.


New Member

Hey Aussie...I did some reading. And from what I can see that was just a rip off chip mugen DOES NOT make a pr4 non vtec chip. No one does...So thats just some generic chip with a super rich program on it. Probably explains why I go thru as much feul as a 5.0 litre. :???:

Man sometimes the shit you learn makes you wish you never got out of bed .


Yea I kinda figured that, I saw a bunch of fake ones on ebay. If I were you I would leave it out, no telling what damage it could do.


New Member

Well I guess I will change it out as soon as i can. It did give me a whole bunch more power. Even my mechanic always wondered why my car was so much faster than a regular RS.

Hopefully it wont do any damage in the meantime before i switch to OBD 1