C3 Autoworks "Always Strapped" T-Shirts


C3 Autoworks Playa
bad news guys. As of right now no printing shop can put the design on the shirt. They said they cannot extend straps all the way to the shirt borders still trying tho, making somenew shirts tho

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C3 Autoworks Playa
lol ok so realisticy the more shirts i got made the cheaper it would be....so im looking to make a list of names that would deff want the shirt after it is made...

Also, I am only looking to make the sure if i can get it done with quality. I dont want to sell a shitty product...

So whoever wants it Post "WANT"


Sweet! I really like the "always strapped" Idk how you'd make the bar work on the back though..maybe just the backside of the harnesses.

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C3 Autoworks Playa
I was going to have the harness bar come out from under the sleevs(armpit) and have it go across


C3 Autoworks Playa
im thinkin its going to be 20-25 I deff would not want to charge more...so let me know guys