bye bye teg teg


New Member
ya lots of water + integra = bye bye

pretty funnny cause i dont even have a CAI....i have a SRI

but it was a shit load of water..........sigh........

new motor time woohoo


New Member
wow you must've been submerged to be able to suck in that much water to have hydro locked your motor.


New Member
I drove into a .. idk if i should call it a puddle. a huge puddle i guess where water came over my hood just a little bit and i had SRI and didnt hydro lock. You must of drove it into a pondor something then. But that sux. GL on enw engine.


New Member
lol nah it was rainin pretty hard and didnt see that there was about 1 1/2 feet of water.....right ahead......slowed my car down pretty fast.... but just shut noise or anything BAM!!


New Member
lol nah it was rainin pretty hard and didnt see that there was about 1 1/2 feet of water.....right ahead......slowed my car down pretty fast.... but just shut noise or anything BAM!!


CI Transfomer God!
8urcivic said:
or a b20...its cheaper
No shit its cheaper! lol! But yeah B20 or b18c, whatever you want, just talk to your wallet first lol, its got the final say! :lol:


New Member
obd1kenobi said:
No shit its cheaper! lol! But yeah B20 or b18c, whatever you want, just talk to your wallet first lol, its got the final say! :lol:
yea, lol talk to your wallet First!