bwahahahaha Nintendo Wii superfan!


New Member
"i stayed up for 5 days cuz, i wanted the Wii so bad i would do almost do anything for it, ,and i got hopped up on demerol and grape soda, so thats what kept me up for 5 days"

and the best

"sleeping's for babies, gamers play all night"


Resident G2 Guru of C-I
i like to consider myself a pretty serious gamer, i own alot of video games, but that guy needs help. i'll play Gran Turismo for a couple hours now and then, or some mortal kombat from time to time. sometimes i stay up all night playing, but not video games, i'll stay up all night playing with my wife ;)

Ominous G2

I thought that guy was old. Then the dude says I went to high school with him. He needs to sleep.