Bulb Problem


Apprentice Mechanic
I bought new bulbs on ebay for 7-9 bucks. Just cheapos. I didn't think they'd last long but they died real quick. At least one. Heres the story:
Relocating Battery gone bad, I was trying to get the wiring right with the relocation, so when I did that I found out that when I was jumping it one time, I used two batteries btw, DON'T DO THIS BAD IDEA. One more my gf's car when it was running and one from my integra that was old, and new battery they were both directed to. I put the old battery to the new battery first for extra power, then I jumped it when it was dying with the car. I PUT IT ON WRONG. AND Somehow it was getting UBER Juice. I thought somehow I made a super battery, I was wrong. I turned car on it worked real nice went on real quick. Everything was bright I was kinda happy. THen I tried headlights... POP!.

So... I purchased new ones. THey worked fine. then the right one went dim. I went to see if it popped. The wires are okay insdie the bulb. I played with it, AND IT worked for 10 minutes. Now its dim again. I haven't tried removing the bulb from other side to check but I did put that other bulb in that side and it doesn't even work at all. But it goes dim in the right side. Is the bulb bad or is the wiring fried?


Apprentice Mechanic
alright guess i will try swaping bulbs. I really think its the wiring but I dunno how to fix that. Also the lights dim what does that mean?
