broken plugs, how common?


New Member
how common is a DA to break spark plugs in the head- i think i need new ones just to paranoid to pull them cause i here they break ALOT

last thin i want to do is replace another head gasket on this car

plus the da is getting SHITTY GAS MILEAGE any suggestions on it?:twisted:

all comments will be appreciated

still a newbie:D


RS owner
havnt experienced broke/stuck plugs before.. i hope i dont ever..

theres some anti-seize stuff you could put on the threads so it doesnt get stuck.

change out the wires and fuel filter too


New Member
I had my spark plugs stuck in my DB8 car sat for a year prior to purchase. But i was able to get em out just had to be gentle but firm.


Well-Known Member
The DA motor is the same as any 94-01 LS motor. They are a regular maintenance component. I dont know who you heard this from, but it is far from common.


New Member
just heard it from my neighbor- he said it happened to him numerous times with a DA
my car is swallowing gas down like crazy- im getting maybe 12- 17 mpg

thats insane for a 4 banger car
my old toyota tacoma got great gas mileage- anyone know what the problem could be?:twisted

and suggestions would help :twisted:


New Member
What ever u do, DO IT EASY! go take a look at my build thread and you will see what can happen. Mine broke off and I went through hell trying a used head, and now I'm getting the old one fixed. When u go to get the new plugs, auto zone, advanced, what ever, get some of the antiseize packs. There only a dollar but so worth it. I haven't heard of anyone else having this problem with tegs, just don't leave the plugs in there for yeas and u should be fine.
