broken bolt. pist off!


i got my pretty da in the air removing the control arm bolt to replace them with new billet arms.i get the two inside bolts and the sway arm bolt off with ease.then i get to the last bolt on the trailing arm.i thought to myself prior to doing this that those bolts have seen 188000 miles and eighteen years of shit,so i better sparay em with some lube and i do.i get a socket on the bolt give her a tug and the fuckin head spins off.bullshit.after having the other side dripping with lube i give that one a go to what it will do.spins fuckin spent.i got a chizel to clear off the nut on the trailing arm cause there was no backing out that bolt with what little i could grip on it,and the bolt was already in two peices.figured id clean it up and slap a stainless nut and bolt on the new shit,but it is fighting me every inch of the way.the chizel chewed on it a little but doesnt want to go anymore.and heating it didnt really work.i would like to do this without taking the trailing arm off to avaoid dealing with the brakes.if anyone has any suggestions or advice wide open to options right not going to deal with again til tomorrow,im to fat to be laying on the ground all day.a nigga gotta eat.


I had the same problem but the bolt that connects to the shock and lca broke.I just drilled thru the bolt and bent the shock a little out and hit the bolt out with hammer and one of those small point chisels..You could also try and cut off the sides and try hammering it out after.


i would if the chizel i got did what the dick at lowes said it would.i went back to look for him.he was gone.
