Brake lights won't go out


Well-Known Member
I dont have an answer, but I suggest you pulling a fuse until you are able to diagnose the p[roblem. Dont want your battery dying
That's what it was. I found the plastic piece that pushes the switch in in about 8 pieces on the floor
board. Ill post the pic in a few

i cant believe u made a thread about this after calling me.
If you look at what time the thread was made and what time I called, you'll notice that this thread was made before I called. :roll:

Anyway, I fixed the problem with a bolt, 2 washers, and 2 nuts(no pun intended). Actually the switch was fine, the problem was that the plastic piece that pushes the switch down had broken apart and there was nothing left to push it down.
I'll post the pic of it as soon as Photobucket stops being a bitch.
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