Boost Spike issues REALLY BAD


New Member
Ok I previously had a thread asking what size wastegate I should get, well I got a 38mm Turbonetics wastegate with a 8psi spring, has two nipples one on top one on side top is vacuum side says boost so I assume for boost controller which i do not have...any way I have tried combining the vac and boost line and also just leaving the boost line open either way, with them combined I hit 15psi in third gear half throttle, with the boost nipple open I spiked at 20psi less than half throttle I only want 8psi, and this is also a really dumb question but where is the vacuum line off the waste gate suppose to go I did not build this car.Please try to give any info that might be helpful thank you so much for your time.


Integra God
like i said in your other thread, the bottom nipple is for vacuum so when you go into boost, it presses and lifts the valve up. the top nipple is for boost controllers to hold the valve shut. do not use just the boost nipple!!! you did that all wrong. use just the vacuum one. you should use something like the brake booster, compressor housing on your turbo (if it has a nipple), fpr hose, etc. something from the intake manifold if their isnt a nipple on your compressor housing.


New Member
no like I told you the bottom one on mine says "BOOST" top one says vacuum but anyway I already went and did that and it works thanks