blown gasket?machine work?


New Member
db1's been sittin for about a week now, decided to check dip stick for shits n giggles. I noticed 1. the oil is waayyyy past the second lil hole for the recommended oil level and 2. oil looks like gray chocolate milk with a greenish hue to it :smackself. i know this isnt the first time this car has had a head gasket problem because i found a old gasket in the trunk when i was cleanin it out. How much ya falla'z think it'l run me to do some machine work on the head / block? and what kinda of machine exactly am i lookin at ? i figuered to prevent it from fuckin up on me really bad one day i might aswell get it done. B18A1 the most I can do myself is take the head off and pull the motor out due to my lack of tools & experiance.

BTW im out in Valrico FL (tampa) if it helps.
anyone close by who wanna help get they hands dirty lemme know!

Gonna start callin around just thought id ask u guys awell


That's about all the work you'll need to do. Let the machine shop do it.

Call around every shop in your area and ask what it would cost to get it checked for cracks and warpage, and the valves pressure tested. When I did my head gasket I called around and some shops wanted to charge $100 to test the head.. and a good one I found (Chitwood Machine Shop in Olympia, WA.) charged my $60 to check it, and fix it.

Price varies by shop. Get it checked out. Check the block with a straight edge when your head is off, if it's bad get it worked on at a machine shop as well.
Oh and I just did a write up on how to change the head gasket in the "How to" section if you're interested. :D


New Member
Thanks man, called around knowin what to ask and alot of shops want 55 + 50.. another wanted 135. Screw that! the lowest i found out here was 90 for test and resurface and 188 for complete head rebuild. i plan on startin on the removal process by friday.


Good deal. If you have any questions just ask.
