black to white


New Member
Pics of my car couple few months ago:

Month after:

and now:

das it for now.. Car still needs a lil work i guess. Got a full suspension and alot of other things still to put on. Its a working progress. Whatcha think?


New Member
car looks really nice. how come you didn't just leave it looks really good in black, although the new paint looks good also.anyways keep up the good work.i wish i can do that conversion too.


Type R
hey that looks really good i have to show my friend your car cause he's contemplating on painting his car white cause he wants to get a jdm front too... if you dont mind me asking how much did that paint cost you?

Ominous G2

He went from the color that you have to clean all the time, to the other color you have to clean all the time.

Tan interior looks better with the white than it did with the black.

Looks good so far.


Unregistered User
khmerkid585 said:
paint and clear coat costed round 350
Is that an average price? and how much preping did you have to do? I'm looking to get my car painted hopefully by next summer, and trying to see how much I have to do and how much i have to save, but 350 isnt bad at all! Looks nice!

As a (quote un-quote) Professional detailer you made an awesome desision going from black to white.
Sorry to all you black colored cars out there, but Black is the worst color you can have for a car if you want it to look nice. On a black car EVERY single little nick and scratch will show up, and it is extreamly hard to hid them. at work one day we had a black malibu. It took at least 4 hours to get all the scratches out of the hood. The next day we had a dark blue Truck with the same amount of scratches and it took about 45 minutes.

Also when you wax the car it is a lot tougher to hide the swirl marks out of a black car than it is a white car.

The best color to hide scratches in is Red, and I know white is right up there next to it. Props on the color choice! and your car looks awesome! lol
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g3teg97 said:
Thats why it only costed 350, when you take a car in for a paint job thats that cheap you better do any and all prep work for it before they get to it. And if you don't want it painted tape it off cause they take the gun and pretty much paint whatever is in sight to get it done as quick and easily as possible. :lol:


CI Transfomer God!
In the picture looks like a good paint job! hope it last, for doesnt start to fade soon! Tegs look good man! Kinda wheel you going to throw on there?


New Member
dang!!thats really cheap for a paint job.yep hope it does last.usually agood paint job is a around $1000-$1200 price range.see i have a silver teg and i want to repaint it black.


New Member
Aussie said:
Thats why it only costed 350, when you take a car in for a paint job thats that cheap you better do any and all prep work for it before they get to it. And if you don't want it painted tape it off cause they take the gun and pretty much paint whatever is in sight to get it done as quick and easily as possible. :lol:

it took 2 weeks.. and i paid the guy round 600 for labor i think? yeahh i told the guy to spray that part white because i didnt care at the time. Im planning on cutting it off when im going for boost
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dude the meshies don't look right with the front end conversion..i say do 5 lug conversion, and get some Gunmetal ITR rims. and drop that beauty